Diversified Trust Triptych acrylic over goldleaf on wood panels
Ensafe Lobby 80 x 108 acrylic over goldleaf on wood panels
Baptist Women’s Hospital 4 x 5 Women’s Foundation of Greater Memphis Legends
Brinkley Plaza 72 x 72 acrylic over goldleaf on wood panels
Community Legal Center 80 x 102 acrylic over goldleaf
Physicians Building Lobby Jackson TN 60 x 90 acrylic over goldleaf
Flight Crew circa WWII 6 x 6 Crew Training International acrylic over goldleaf on wood panels
Iberia Bank 36 x 80 acrylic over goldleaf
Memphis International Airport Memphis in May Artwork 5 x 5 acrylic over goldleaf
Trustmark Bank acrylic over goldleaf on wood panel
West Cancer Clinic Library 80 x 108 acrylic over goldleaf on wood panels
Westin Beale Hotel 4 x 6 acrylic over goldleaf
Westin Beale Hotel 5 x 6 acrylic on wood panel
Westin Beale Hotel 11 x 4 acrylic over goldleaf
Westin Beale Hotel acrylic over goldleaf
Westin Beale Hotel Lobby 9 x 10 acrylic over goldleaf with carving
Westin Beale Hotel Lobby 11 x 4 on three panels acrylic over goldleaf
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell, & Berkowitz Law Firm
The Old Schoolhouse 42 x 66 acrylic, plexiglas, wood